Verification 3.0 Bulletin

A refreshed, efficient and faster bot.


Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

We have recently been brought in by a big client providing our verification bot service serving approximately 20,000 users. 😲

The initial launch of the verification service pointed to a major programming flaw in our service, which slowed down response times and the bot often skipping requests and eventually crashing a shard.

We appreciate every user's patience during the initial launch of the server and allowing our team to remedy the issues that we desperately need, to prepare for a bigger potential client in the future.

Verification 3.0 is like 2.0, but faster - period

Within 24 hours from the first attempted launch, we have amended our bot fully with quick responses and reduced the odds of the bot being overloaded by users spamming.

We sincerely appreciate the moderation team of the server for giving us time and flexibility to work around in the server to ensure the bot's operationality and that the users are getting verified without any hiccups.

We may have lost some sleep and bathroom privileges working through the solution, but we did it and we appreciate your support for us in getting the job done.

You guys absolutely rock. 🥳

If you are a server owner or a moderation team

If you intend to deploy this solution in your server as a first or multi-layer verification, and you would like to have it audited before opening the channel to the public, you are welcome to contact us on our Discord server to recheck your work before public deployment.

We recommend a few limitations for the users if you intend to deploy this solution in a server (recommended for over 15,000 users):

- Slowmode to be enabled (1 - 10 minutes should suffice)

- Enabling auto-delete (for typo errors by users who don't follow the instructions)

- Setting a log channel* (to find out if users are getting kicked for having an alt if you have it enabled, and allows for you and AuthenticateMe staff to easily assess the situation)

*Log channel should be dedicated to AuthenticateMe's Verification bot, or to other moderation bots putting logs in.

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