Disruption Report

24 - 27 November 2021


Last Update 2 anni fa

On 24 November to 27 November, we have been experiencing service disruptions at 0500hrs (UTC Time).

The disruption daily lasted for several hours before restoration.

We have performed a thorough investigation and have ascertained the following causes that resulted in the outage of our service.

The incident has been primarily caused by a faulty link from one of the shards* during reboot, which resulted in the entire bot turning offline regardless of the other shards being operational. This also explains the status of the bot not turning into a warning or offline symbol on https://status.authenticateme.cf/

The bot reboots daily at 0500 UTC for reliability purposes and only takes 40 seconds to resume its duties again. However, because of the aforementioned faulty shard, the bot was unable to be fully operational.

The issue has been resolved on 28 Nov with the temporary patches required and we are closely monitoring the service to ensure minimal disruption to our clients.

Several other potential causes have been noted (hosting provider e.g.) and we would be looking for viable solutions to provide our users a reliable and dependable provider for authentication.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the outage and we hope to seek your understanding while we continue to expand our Support Team and services.

Shai the Haku



*Shard example = a duplicate of the bot handling a set amount of servers (e.g. 1 shard handling 100 servers)

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