๐Ÿ›‘โœ‹ Adblocker Detected

Why can't I use my adblocker on this website?


Last Update 9 maanden geleden

Here at AuthenticateMe, we strive to keep our services free to use.

Our website is monetized to keep our services running, and to continue building further infrastructure, widening support and potential flexibility for this bot.

Kindly turn off your adblocker plugin*, or use a different web browser during verification.

If you do not know how to turn off your adblocker, click on the button when you are presented with that error- and select the extension / browser that you are using.

We are working on a way for people to contribute funds to support our operations and work, which we will release information of in the future.

Thank you for supporting us!

*You may need to clear your browser cookies after disabling the plugin.

Alternatively, you can open a incognito / private window.

If you are still presented with that error after disabling the adblocker, please contact our Support Server.

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